If you are interested in getting the most out of your DNA test and matches to other people, there are a number of more advanced tools to help. The GEDmatch website has both a free and subscription level and most basic tools are available at the free level. As there […]

The Sun Harness Garden designed by Hendrik Lepel and sponsored by Peppermint Farm Glasshouses received a silver medal in the Show Garden category at Bird Bia Bloom 2024. Garden Designer Hendrik chats to West Cork People about his experience at Bloom and shares some advice for gardeners. What interests you […]

Menopause and Perimenopause are normal, physiological stages of female health.  Today I want to talk about what is abnormal so I will revisit some definitions. Menopause is a retrospective diagnosis. This means that we can only say that a woman is menopausal if it has been 12 months since her […]
