A junior student, who attends my art classes on the top floor of the Clonakilty Community Arts Centre (CCAC), recently posed the following question: “If art and culture are so important, as we’re taught in school, why are there so few places to view and make art?” We were discussing […]
Schull Creates, a new community-led arts group in West Cork, is hoping to secure a permanent base where they can plan, create, and deliver a host of events while expanding access to the arts in the local community. Through engaging with local history and folklore and using visual art and […]
As you carve that big roasted turkey on Christmas Day, I wonder how many will ask: why is a bird from America named after a country in Asia Minor? Turkeys belong to the family Phasianidae, along with pheasants, peacocks, chickens, partridges, grouse and quails. This family is part of a […]
This month the Save Murragh Action Group – a community group opposed to a sand and gravel quarry planned adjacent to Bandon River in Murray, Enniskeane – gives us a glimpse of the wildlife supported by the Bandon River and outlines what we can do to help preserve and protect […]
I remember having a debate with a history teacher from a school in Dublin. He was dead set against conflating events from the past with the ones we are living in. I respectfully disagreed. History is not consigned to the past. For me, the past is a continuous force that shapes […]
Founded in the 12th century on Mount Carmel in present-day Israel, The Carmelites, a Catholic religious order, have a long association with Kinsale. The Order has been present in the town since the 14th century, first establishing a church in 1334, and building the current church after the Reformation. While […]