In the December issue I wrote on female urinary issues. The second part of this article deals with the causes of and treatments for the various issues that can result in female urinary symptoms.  GSM: GenitourinarySyndrome of Menopause  Common things are common…fluctuating as well as low oestrogen levels is a […]

In almost 30 years of seeing women of all ages – in the UK for 29 years and here in Ireland for the past five months – female urinary symptoms are something that women rarely volunteer: I have to  specifically ask about leaking or peeing problems.  What I find horrific […]

As a GP of almost 30 years with a special interest in Women’s Health, Dr Paula Stanley has managed a lot of patients with PMS. This month she gives some insight into the condition and why it’s so important that it’s recognised and treated. Myth Busting Premenstrual syndrome or PMS […]

Hands up who understands what osteoporosis is?  And why is a GP with self-confessed passion for women’s health talking about bones? Because, almost exclusively, this is an issue that affects women. First, a few myths to be dispelled: Osteoporosis is not the same as osteoarthritis – two completely different animals. […]

Before I begin, I want to dispel  a few myths: “You are still having periods, therefore your symptoms could not be menopausal”; “You are only 45, you could not possibly be having menopause symptoms”; “Your hormone  blood tests are normal so your symptoms are not menopausal”. These statements are false.  […]
