July – the ‘outdoor month’ closely associated with summer gatherings, glorious sunsets, garden parties, BBQs and hot sun – screams Summer. Like it or not, July is the month where we all bare a little or a lot more skin. For some of us, the idea of stripping off and […]

The early bird will always get to choose the juiciest of worms and this is also true when it comes to shopping for summer clothes. While our wardrobes will have plenty of bits and summer firm favourites to bring back out again, now is the time to shop for anything […]

Coco Chanel is reputed to have said, ‘The best things in life are free, the second-best things are very, very expensive’. I must admit that the second part of that quote is up for debate. Rising costs have been hitting us squarely in the jaw for sometime now, leaving many […]

Sustainable shopping is now, more than ever before, a responsibility that we all need to embrace. We need to rethink how we shop, why we need more, when we have enough and how to reduce the chances of making ridiculous purchases. Style lovers are now becoming more humanitarian, asking ‘who […]

How is it almost Christmas again already? I genuinely feel that this year, someone put extra-strength Duracell batteries into the ‘Time’ machine because it is whizzing by. One thing for sure, I’m not going to get into that manic Christmas stress and pressure. I adore this time of year. Christmas […]
