A new month: Push yourself: Rejuvenate: Inspire others: Laugh lots. I think that we are all fading a little, a bit like a vase of flowers that you really need to throw out or a shabby tea towel (and we all have a few of those). We all need a boot […]

In this series of articles Diana Radeva, child and adolescent psychotherapist sets out to consider the emotional life of children from birth onwards; and how relationships between children and parents evolve over time. It is a view of human growth, which recognises the importance of strong feelings experienced at each […]

It is a beautiful bright sunny morning, in the autumn of 2015, at Ballinasloe horse fair. The fair green is a virtual sea of horses and ponies, every size and colour, every age, thick manes, long manes, hairy horses, plaited horses, cobs, mares, stallions, colts, foals, show jumpers, leisure horses […]

Last month I talked about getting your dog to focus indoors so that he automatically listens to you outside where the distractions are greater. If you’ve fostered a good training relationship with your dog, he will be happy paying attention to you whenever and wherever.  Start as you mean to […]
