Situated in the picturesque Emmet Square, the hum of activity and banter that accompanies market day in Clonakilty is a much looked-forward-to weekly feature in the town. Every Friday morning, come rain or shine, the sleepy Georgian square awakes with the sounds of traders setting up their stalls; the green […]
Food & Drinks
If there was ever a summer for family picnics, it’s got to be this summer. After being cooped up indoors for most of the year, we’re ready to get outside, to socialise (safely), and to share these tried-and-true picnic menus that please eaters of all ages. And if you are […]
May was certainly a blow out; the weather meant we didn’t know whether we were coming or going. I was sat here one evening with the sun on one side of the house and rain on the other and my husband said it was just like living in the tropics. […]
What do you get when you mix some New York bartender know-how with the best of West Cork ingredients? Answer: The makings of some pretty amazing cocktails! Foxglove Cocktails is the creation of sister and brother duo Tara and Rory Copplestone, who both moved back to the family home in […]
When I heard at the farmer’s market that there were only five more markets before Christmas, I went into a spin. How is this possible? We haven’t been anywhere or done an awful lot. The year’s just slipped by; it’s quite disorientating but the indisputable fact is that Christmas is […]
When I’m asked for recommendations for Christmas day wines, it’s usually expected that I’ll suggest bringing out the best wine in the house. I don’t! Of course, I’ll want to drink something really lovely, but funny enough, I don’t think it’s the moment for the special bottle you’ve been saving […]