The abundance of honey in early Ireland can be measured from the size of the vessels used either to collect the honeycombs or to pay tribute to an overlord, or for kitchen use. A barrel, so large and heavy that it could be lifted only as far as the knees […]

“Part of the canvas was poking out but the rest was covered in snow. I used an ice pick lying nearby to uncover the entrance.” – Mikhail Sharavin In the winter of 1959, between February 1 and 2, nine experienced hikers ventured deep into the wilderness of Russia’s Ural Mountains […]

“I’m not a fragile individual,” shares West Cork People fitness columnist Tania Presutti, “I’ve grown up Asian-looking in a white country (I’m adopted) and I’ve encountered everyday little acts of racism throughout my life.” While Tania says that most of the time she just ignores racial slurs, marking them down […]

Oh my, my July! What a month it was. Not only did we have a glorious heatwave, but we also started meeting up again. Both were wonderful and yet a little freaky. The heatwave was like a dream come true. I even went swimming -both in a lake and in […]
