Boost your body’s collagen and see the benefits in the mirror

This September I’m going to continue the focus on mature skin, because the feedback we have been getting in Organico is that there is a lot of interest in keeping glowing and healthy! Last month the focus was on hydrating mature skin, and I discussed a few habits we can all adopt to care for skin and make sure it stays soft and supple. This month I’m going to dive a bit deeper into why taking a supplement containing collagen – in particular Marine Collagen – can help achieve this goal (and how it also benefits your joints and your hair). We had an interesting situation with one of our staff here in Organico who had cracking hands, despite taking plenty of Omega Oils, and using a rich hand cream every day. When she started taking collagen regularly they healed. Given how much we have been washing our hands here over the last year and how damaging that can be for our hands, that was a great result! 

The important thing to remember is, no matter your age, it’s never too late to start supporting your body’s production of collagen and to see the benefits in your skin, hair, and nails. 

Collagen is the protein responsible for smooth and firm skin, resilient nails, and strong hair. The body’s natural supply starts to dwindle in your 20s, but throughout each decade, there are plenty of habits you can develop that protect the collagen you already have and boost your body’s level of production. 

But first, let’s talk about why we recommend a marine-based collagen supplement for the appearance and health of the skin, hair, and nails.

There are many different types of collagen throughout the body, but the skin, hair, and nails are richest in Type I collagen which is most abundant in – you guessed it – marine sources. 

We love the two supplements below because they provide high daily doses of marine collagen in its most absorbable form, and they include vitamin C which not only helps the body absorb collagen, but assists in its production. We have both on special offer this month in case you feel like treating your skin. 

Revive Active Beauty Complex 

This Irish Made powdered Beauty complex contains 8 active ingredients, including marine collagen, vitamin C, biotin, and hyaluronic acid, that all help maintain the structure, function, and beauty of the skin, hair, and nails. 

And secondly – Your Zooki Liposomal Collagen

This liquid marine collagen has a great lime flavour and is ready to mix into smoothies, yogurt, granola, or water. It offers marine collagen and vitamin C in liposomal form which ensures maximum absorption into the bloodstream.  

Although most people won’t see the effect of collagen decline until their 30s, collagen levels start to drop about one per cent every year during your 20s. In your 30s, it’s likely the first signs of skin aging start to show which can include dryer skin, pigmentation, fine lines, and the loss of firmness, and  by your 40s, we all need to start preparing for the menopause, when collagen levels plummet by 30 per cent. Discouraged? Don’t be! Here are some simple and practical tips for retaining collagen and boosting its production. 

Make a habit of using SPF every day. You won’t see the effects until later in life, but the UV rays your skin absorbs now can accelerate the breakdown of collagen.

Something else that accelerates collagen breakdown? Smoking. Kick the habit now, or don’t take it up in the first place.

Mind your sugar and alcohol intake. Both cause inflammation in the body, which depletes collagen and dehydrates the skin. 

Adopt a gentle exfoliation practice once or twice a week to stimulate the skin’s cellular turnover (which has started to decline) and promote collagen production

Consider using an oil-based face cleanser, like Kinvara Skincare’s Absolute Cleansing Face Oil, which is more hydrating than a traditional cleanser. 

A daily facial massage helps flush out fluid buildup, boost blood flow, stimulate cellular turnover, and support collagen production. All you need is your (or a loved one’s) fingertips and a few simple massage techniques. 

Bring on the antioxidants! High-quality supplements and a diet rich in colourful whole foods will give you a boost of antioxidants that fight oxidative stress, reduce inflammation, and boost your body’s collagen production.  

Prioritise your sleep. Your body makes collagen while you sleep, but only if you’re getting at least seven to nine hours per night.     

Start taking a daily marine-based collagen supplement as a proactive method to counteract collagen decline. Studies show that as little as 2.5 grams/day can produce skin benefits. By the age of 50, it is advised to take up to 20g a day.

For the full article with all the links to research and facial massage techniques, be sure to sign up to our newsletter (there is a sign up box on the bottom of every page on as we have a longer Blog Post called How to increase collagen in your 20s, 30s, 40s, 50s, 60s and beyond and will be sending the link out soon! 

For more advice, visit us in Bantry, we are open 9am-6pm, Monday – Saturday. Visit us online on Find us on Facebook and Instagram @organicobantry

Hannah Dare

Hannah Dare co-runs Organico, the café, bakery and health shop in Bantry, West Cork.

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Just did it

Mon Sep 6 , 2021
The headline this month is a twist on Nike’s ‘Just do it’ slogan, because I did do it! If you read my DIY Fitness column, you’ll most likely know, that I signed up for a 27K race this August, because I felt it was time to challenge myself on the […]
