Lisa Brinkmann is a Clinical Psychologist and Psychotherapist working in private practice in Clonakilty and is one of the core members of BROD. Lisa also has a degree in Sex Research and Forensic Psychiatry and works with clients with any psychological or mental health problem, but is also specialised in […]

I have a confession! It’s a bit shameful and I feel exposed for saying this, but due to life and everything that happens in it – moving, packing and finding new homes for stuff that’s too good to throw away – I’ve more or less forgotten that I have arms. […]

The alarm shrills, breaking into the young man’s sub-conscious, as he struggles to wake on a wet autumn morning. He never dozes on waiting for a second alarm, as many of his friends might do, he needs the time to prepare for his day’s work, which he loves: The fun […]
