Teenagers across Ireland, including students from West Cork, spoke out in April on the issues impacting them and shared their innovative ideas for change with the help of a new digital platform created by Young Social Innovators as part of the YSI Speak Out Virtual Tour. Students from Coláiste na […]
Of all the species in the animal kingdom, birds can lay claim to some of the most incredible feats of physical achievement; whether it’s the Peregrine Falcon, the fastest animal in the world with a diving speed of 389kmh, or the incredible annual 90,000km migration of the Arctic Tern, as […]
I have been lacto-ovo vegetarian for 43 years. I have the advantage of not really enjoying eating meat and of finding it difficult to digest, so switching to a meat-free diet was relatively simple for me and I continue to eat dairy products and eggs. Talking to someone about farming […]
Kelly Mellerick, one of the volunteers who helps run the My Lovely Horse Rescue (MLHR) Cork centre, talks to West Cork People about why the charity is calling for a ban on animal tethering. Based in Cobh, on the family farm of Jeannette O’Connell, My Lovely Horse Rescue centre is […]
Much has been said about Michael Collins’ life but the focus is nearly always on his later years. Biographies of ‘The Big Fella’ tend to dwell very little on the first two thirds of his life and focus heavily on the revolutionary activity that dominated his final decade. But what […]
Diana Duff’s incredible memoir ‘Leaves from the Fig Tree’ covers the world of Anglo-Irish gentry: life in colonial Kenya, Tanganyika, and life at the height of Apartheid in South Africa. In Ireland, Diana – the granddaughter of the Lord of the Manor at Annes Grove – grew up in a […]