Have you ever ‘gone with your gut’ when making a decision or felt ‘butterflies in your stomach’ when you were nervous? If so then you will have noticed how your thoughts can effect the sensations of your gut and bowel. After 30 years of research Dr. Michael Gershon discovered that […]
Health & Lifestyle
As the saying goes, ‘Spring has Sprung’ and so too have a number of new skincare and makeup products that are sure to tantalise all you beauty junkies out there. If you thought last year topped the list when it came to new product launches think again, because this year […]
As a mindfulness teacher, I have the privilege of working with a wide and diverse range of people, all with different reasons for wanting to learn mindfulness and all with their own story. Yet no matter what their backstory reveals, my conclusion is always that mindfulness is a leveller, it […]
There is a lovely stretch now both morning and evening. There are visible signs that the gardening season is kicking off – birds pairing up, buds on trees and shrubs, spring bulbs out in full force. This is the busiest month of the year so if I fall behind now, […]
While planting some fruit trees in my garden last week, I came across lots of big juicy worms. This got me thinking about one of the most productive workers of the soil food web and I decided to learn more…and it turns out there’s lots to learn about these amazing […]
I have often said on these pages that colour is so important when choosing a new car. In December I met a colleague who was driving a new, but dirty-looking black Audi A6. It could have done with a wash after a few days driving on wet country roads. Then last […]