“Thankfully, the pandemic has not impacted on the HSE Home Birth service too much,” says Community Midwife Elke Hasner. “We are still keeping our women, dads and families safe at home.” The midwives follow a strict Covid-19 protocol. “I remember the strange feeling when I, and my second midwife, donned […]
BY EOIN ROE, CHIROPRACTIC Everywhere you turn these days there is advice telling you to eat a healthy diet, become a vegan or at least a vegetarian, and do more exercise. There is also no doubt that diet and exercise are two areas where we have the ability to seriously […]
We all noticed what the decrease in carbon emissions during lockdown did for our environment: a lighter global footprint gave us a welcome glimpse at how quickly the transition to a cleaner world can happen. We were also reminded that pollution lowers our resistance to disease; the humble bar of […]
As the season has truly turned, and the evenings are drawing in, we need to mind ourselves in an intentional, purposeful way, particularly during these challenging days. One way of improving our mental wellbeing is through mindfulness meditation. This helps us to pay attention to the present moment and to […]
Retired female Covid refugee Kay Raffell, 67, usually lives in New Zealand but this summer found herself travelling around Ireland on her bicycle. When her bike broke down, Kay found herself stranded in Clonakilty but because of the kindness of strangers, she was very well looked after and soon on […]
In 2009 the Sheep’s Head was awarded the title of European Destination of Excellence –Tourism and Protected Areas. This competition was designed for destinations that have developed the tourism potential of their protected areas in a sustainable manner. So why is the Sheep’s Head so desirable as a destination? There […]