by Amanda Roe There is extensive research confirming that the health of your gut microbiome has a direct influence on your mental, emotional and physical health. Good levels of diverse probiotics and prebiotics are needed to sustain a healthy microbiome in the gastrointestinal tract and throughout the whole body. Your […]
I actually begin my day ‘planning the day’ the night before. Late in the evening before I go to bed, I put the kettle on and get my herbal teapot filled so it can steep overnight and be ready for me the next morning. You don’t have to do this […]
Brexit has impacted the currency markets since the UK’s June 2016 referendum. This, coupled with the tentative emergence of the global economy from the ongoing pandemic, has led to heightened uncertainty for many Irish businesses, many of which are still unprepared for dealing with the fallout from Brexit. Keith Bracken […]
I am interrupting my series on infertility this month, February, to write about one of the Irish quarter days. These four days are, Samhain, Imbolc, Bealtaine, and Lughnasa and are approximately twelve weeks apart. The cross-quarter days are Nollaig, St Patrick’s day, St John’s day and St Martin’s day. Taken together, […]
Through the healing and balancing effect of acupuncture on body, mind and emotions one may begin to live, rather than merely survive. Currently, the use of acupuncture is growing at an exponential rate globally. The World Health Organisation (WHO) supports its use in treatment alongside and for conditions such as […]
International Epilepsy Day is taking place on February 8 this year. This is a global day of epilepsy awareness that provides the opportunity for people with epilepsy to share their lived experiences of the condition. They do this in order to raise awareness within their communities in an effort to […]