June Sun Signs

May finishes with Mercury starting a retrograde phase, leading us into June and a continuation of several important themes. This month reveals another layer to the deeper significance of the times we are living in. The way we operate as a society is in a state of radical change with financial and family patterns being dismantled but there is a wave of new, enlightened consciousness arising out of the rubble.

The recent Lunar eclipse on May 26 is followed by the Solar eclipse on June 10 in Gemini. This amplifies the issues around truth and information, as Sagittarius and Gemini are the eclipse signs. Jupiter and Neptune in Pisces both start their retrograde phase adding to the potential for revelations and insights into the bigger picture.

June also brings us the Solstice on June 21 when the Sun moves into Cancer. 

Mars, a hot and fiery planet moves into fire sign Leo on June 11. We may finally get some heat and a sense of summer with this shift in energy. This is Mars’ first visit to a fire sign since early January and now it can start expressing it’s true nature and take action. Mars has drive and energy to clear obstacles and challenge opposition. In Leo there is courage and a sense of being a righteous warrior or leader. It also wants to do it with style and make an impression so big bold statements can be expected. This change of zodiac sign also initiates an approaching opposition to Saturn that takes shape later in June. This is a follow-up and a culmination to something, which initiated in late March 2020. It’s not the final event in a sequence but it is certainly a corner being turned, as we start a new phase in a cycle that completes in April 2022. Resistance and friction are strong forces but also expect to see some kind of ending of conflict, threat or restriction and a new beginning by the early days of July. 

The challenging Saturn Uranus square is the background signature for 2021. On June 14 we have an exact contact and the second peak in a series of three. The first was in mid February and the last in late December. 

Uranus is the shake up and shift planet and there is the element of unexpected and unlikely twists as new potentials suddenly emerge. Saturn represents tradition and established patterns but also gives form and functionality to the idealism and reformation taking place.

Most people have now recognised that we are never retuning to what we knew before early 2020. The future is still being shaped and the outcomes are unknown but we may get some insights into what’s ahead of us by late June and early July. It’s apparent that we can’t resolve our current situation by simply repeating past actions. 

This month will bring tense conflicts of interest to the fore once more. The social unrest and discontent could create disturbances and divisions. Some people will adhere to what they believe is the most secure and sensible route or path and choose to follow the leaders that offer stability or safety. People in the position of leading are also following their own advisors in the belief that it is for the best. Others who prefer personal freedom to the promise of collective safety will take an independent path and break away from any confines, restrictions and regulations to try a new approach. We may see greater divides between those who have faith in authority and governance and those who ask questions and seek their own solutions. Our individual responses and choices now will shape the future. Uranus throws us the inspiration to seek creative, innovative and exciting new options whilst Saturn can provide the substance and stability to realise them over time. Whatever choices we make or position we take, we each play a part in a much bigger shift, taking place in our collective evolution.  

With Mercury in retrograde until June 22 and not out of the shadow zone until early July, this is a month to reconsider and re-evaluate many agreements or deals. There is no reason to halt all activities related to travel, communications or business but just be aware that because Mercury is in Gemini there is every chance that new information will come to light or the story will change. Things need to be revisited or reviewed so don’t settle on anything too soon. 

June has a New Moon Solar Eclipse at 20 degrees Gemini on the June 10 at 11.52am and a Full Moon at 4 degrees Capricorn on June 24 at 7.39pm. 

Aries: Travel, higher learning, study and spiritual matters are on your mind during early June. You’ve had enough of the ‘everyday’ in life and you want freedom to explore or invite new experiences into your life. Be prepared to open your mind to new ideas and lifestyles. You’ll likely find your attention and energy go into taking care of details and side issues later in the month. Whatever happens, it will be nothing but action by mid month with plenty of options. Don’t be too impulsive but just be sure you get your ideas out there in some form whatever it takes.

Taurus: Your attention may be drawn to the patterns that create life’s ups and downs but you may just be focused on the negative side of a cycle at the expense of the positive. Pause to consider what is truly worth keeping and what you can dispense with. Smooth out what doesn’t flow well in your life in preparation for a more constructive phase after the New Moon on June 10.  Take time to consider how you’re shaping up financially. This slow growth moment is likely not as productive as you hoped but don’t worry yourself into a frenzy about things that only time can remedy.

Gemini: With the Solar eclipse in your sign, take this favourable opportunity to deal with any relationship issues. You’re aware of how much you have to give but experience more freedom when you get the ‘give and take’ into a healthy balance. Interesting and stimulating people may come into your life so find time for intimate encounters or shared experiences. It’s a time of personal beginnings, when you find yourself in the spotlight and everyone looks to see what you’re going to do next. This may be challenging, but it’s the boost you need right now. Just enjoy the generosity of others.

Cancer: During the next weeks you’ll focus your attention on the practical demands of life. Feeling you must do more than you really need to can create some stress but any self-improvement effort pays rewards. If you invest in yourself now then you can put your best foot forward with confidence later in the month. Regardless of how extrovert and outgoing you might usually feel, the New Moon on June 10 is a time to withdraw and spend some time alone. You will benefit by taking a few days to rest and recuperate, mentally, emotionally and physically as you revitalise your spirit. 

Leo: Your creative powers are at a peak. Don’t take yourself too seriously and you will reap the rewards. You can be surprised at what you come up with by just playing around with ideas or projects. Your romantic feelings are more intense now so try to wear your heart on your sleeve without worrying about the outcome. It can be worth risking upset to get at what you really feel and share it with those that matter the most later this month. You instinctively relate to your friends and very much want them to accept you as you are. 

Virgo: Home and family matters occupy your life during the next two weeks. Concentrate your energy into ventures that give you a sense of security and wellbeing. Sticking with familiar surroundings and intimate company gives the freedom to nurture what’s really important to you. Expect a phase of new developments in career matters and a welcome reward with a sense of fulfillment to emerge by late June. The pressure to produce can be a bit intense but take time to plan ahead before you take on any new commitments. It is as important to listen now, as it is to act. 

Libra: You may find yourself called on by neighbours or asked to get involved with community ventures or projects now. You could feel restless if you don’t find activities that stimulate your mind.  Seek out alternatives to what you already know. There are more opportunities becoming available to build on during the next few weeks. Try to keep both feet on the ground around Full Moon as heightened emotions may run away with you. The impulse for new experiences is very strong but avoid hasty commitments. It’s a great time for planning or rearranging the way you look at things. 

Scorpio: June finds you concerned with your material and financial security. It’s time to consider if you are making the best of your natural skills and abilities. Once latent talents are recognized you will aim higher and you’ll want to expand your horizons very soon. The New Moon phase on June 10 is a good time to re-evaluate what it is that you pursue, follow or find meaningful. It may turn out that you’ve changed since you last acted so instinctively. If what you seek now is simply out of an old habit, it may prove extremely dissatisfying in a very short time.

Sagittarius: Your need for unique self-expression and communicating your personal vitality is a priority. Relationships are meant to be a two-way flow but now you want the ball firmly back in your court. Your current mood doesn’t make for sharing and you may find a flood of emotional intensity directed your way during the next few weeks. How you respond could largely shape the direction of an important relationship. If you achieve a new closeness enjoy it now as it’s hard to keep that level of intensity going all month but the message underneath is sincere and needs to be taken seriously. 

Capricorn: You can be very productive this month by just quietly working away behind-the-scenes. Reconnecting with your inner world is important for your sense of equilibrium. Valuable insights and breakthroughs are possible. Enjoy the quiet ‘alone time’ whilst you can, as the demands of your outer world will encroach again soon enough. It can be easy to get worried about health matters or everyday responsibilities especially during the New Moon phase this month. Moderation is the key. Make sure you’re not expecting too much of yourself. You don’t want to run out of steam because you can’t keep up with yourself. 

Aquarius: Your position within your community is highlighted this month. What you have to offer is appreciated and you can reap the rewards of your past contributions. Crank up your social life now and meet the right people; benefits will soon follow. The phrase ‘what you put in is what you get out’ is the key. The astral weather is perfect for creativity and you’ll find that your imagination flows faster and easier than usual from the 10th to mid month. In fact, anything you do for enjoyment will seem twice as good right now. Break out the inner child, drop your self-consciousness and just have fun. 

Pisces: Getting recognition for what you do well, takes on extra significance this month. Self-acknowledgment only takes you so far and now you need some approval from those you respect. It may seem like constant hard work recently but the New Moon phase in early June will bring a much needed chance to relax with loved ones. If things on the home front aren’t quite to your liking you will have a tendency to fight for your right to peace and harmony. It’s a good time to start new home-related projects as a way to utilise any extra energy in a constructive manner.

Kate Arbon

Kate Arbon is a professional Astrologer based in West Cork.

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Mon Jun 7 , 2021
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