After a longer than usual hiatus, Clonakilty Film Club returns to the Park Cinema this month with a superb selection from the best that world cinema has to offer. Over the autumn season the club will show six films on fortnightly Tuesdays, plus a very special Saturday feature film that […]
The first half of the month brings some very positive planet placements that will help us create strong bonds and attend to important details in preparation for further challenges in the coming weeks. This is Virgo season and the trend is to get organised and attend to the details of […]
Who else believes that we are caught in an episode of Star Trek, moving along at warp speed? How is it September already? Who gave permission to end our summer just like that? This glorious ‘back to school’ month signifies finishing those uncompleted tasks and rectifying and improving your current […]
NLN’s Office Administration course, which is run in conjunction with CETB, uses a blended delivery approach of two days in centre and three days’ home study/work experience over two years. This approach is highly attractive to anyone who cannot commit to attending a Training Centre full time. There are two […]
Are you tired all the time? Do you feel like you’re running on empty? Perhaps you’re pulled in too many directions and are emotionally drained and physically exhausted. Once upon a time, deadlines may have motivated you to get things done but now, as you keep saying yes to others’ […]
It is a common misconception that gluten issues are primarily gut-related, such as coeliac disease. Research has shown that not all gluten issue’s manifest in the gut, in fact many people suffer with neurological manifestations from ingesting gluten that affects their brain. Conditions that are caused by gluten that are […]