West Cork is set to benefit from the Government’s announcent this week on a major initiative for Rural Ireland, which includes the addition of 31 new walking trails to her Department’s Walks Scheme and funding for a number of new Rural Recreation Officers. The funding will connect the Slí Gaeltacht […]

Con O’Neill  Sherry FitzGerald O’Neill  Clonakilty and Skibbereen Tell us about yourself and when and why you got into the industry? I spent my summers as a teenager working in the business and always had a draw towards it. In many respects, it is the ideal job to combine an […]

If you’ve been feeling a sense of tension or frustration in recent weeks things are about to change. October brings us a momentous release from inactivity or expectancy with four planets leaving their retrograde phase to progress forwards once more. Mars plays a key role this month, as it expresses […]

Evidence is showing that the effects of Long COVID can leave people struggling with perplexing and debilitating symptoms, such as chronic fatigue, joint pain and memory loss, but the true impact of this disease is only being investigated. RTE’s Philip Boucher Hayes will moderate a panel of experts on the […]
