Reverend Kingsley Sutton has been recognised in the National Heritage Awards County Award in County Cork for his project, ‘Amazing mosaics at the Church of the Ascension, Timoleague’. The project focused on presenting mosaics and other features of the church through lectures by stained glass expert Finola Finlay. Reverend Sutton […]

As awareness grows about the importance of bees, West Cork’s newest beekeepers’ group, the Fastnet Area Beekeepers Association (FABKA), celebrates the successful accreditation of it’s first students who, in October, received their preliminary exam certificates under the auspices of The Federation of Irish Beekeepers Associations (FIBKA), the largest organisation of […]

I’m sitting at my desk, fire lit to chase the damp, facing a window streaked by rain. Mind you, there’s nothing much to see anyway. The sky is a solid grey and the horizon has been reduced to the front field. Beyond the big oak is a land of fog. […]

A French film crew visited Clonakilty in October to shoot a documentary on autism for an episode of their show ‘Nous, Les Européens’, which examines different social situations in communities across Europe and how they’re managed. The producers aim to educate and inspire their French audience by showing how different […]

I’d like to give a shout out to those dedicated people who run the rescue centres kindly taking in any dog no matter its age, background, or character to give them shelter along with unstinting care and devotion. They are a breed apart! Life is getting tougher for them at […]
