It’s like there is a switch in the middle of January which kicks everything into action again. Those few more minutes of extra daylight give out a message that even our geriatric chickens respond to. Suddenly we have eggs and all the green things in the garden perk up. We […]

St Valentine, the well-known patron of lovers, often used both beeswax and honey in his cures; and is also recognised as a saint patron of beekeepers. Beekeeper Andrew Shinnick shares more on this saintly connection with bees, which also exists with St Gobnait, the latter of whom has a special […]

Like a fine wine, Mick and Lauren’s relationship matured over time. This Franco-Irish couple first met 22 years ago in ‘The Kingdom’, Mick’s county of origin, through mutual friends. The seeds of a friendship were sown but a few years later Mick relocated to Canada so they lost touch with […]

Twenty-three years ago John O’Shaughnessy and Leeanne Wolverton locked eyes at a wedding in Limerick and within a week of spinning around sightseeing together had fallen completely head over heels for each other. Love knows no boundaries and, after their romance continued to burgeon across the Atlantic, Leeanne shortened the […]
