According to Biodiversity Ireland there are over 100 separate bee species in Ireland: this includes the native Irish honeybee (Apis Mellifera Mellifera), 21 species of bumblebee and 78 separate species of solitary bee. The different bees are active at different times through the year but most bees emerge in February […]

From the first moment of every day when we slip from between our cotton sheets, walk across our wooden floor and enjoy a reviving cup of coffee, almost everything we touch has originated in the soil and yet, although our civilisation has penetrated the depths of space, we rarely consider […]

Working in the Clonakilty Arts Centre feels like how I imagine an old ship to be; the floorboards creak and the roof sags like sails in a lull; the walls between rooms are patched and paper thin, pigeon feathers waft through old windows and the dim light articulates dust as […]
