Noted in Irish folklore for its swiftness, alertness and agility, the hare was also regarded as a fairy animal associated with deception and witchcraft. In myth, the hare was linked to Celtic goddesses of fertility, both of spring and of the harvest.  One widespread belief among Irish country people was […]

The expression ‘It takes a village’ rings especially true when it comes to the success of the Courtmacsherry Community Shop. Mary O’Brien meets a few of the people who volunteer their time and energy to ensure the continued success of this inspiring social enterprise. Since the mid-1870s, the small village […]

Spring has definitely sprung at Future Forests says Matt Keane For everyone in the horticultural industry the next few months are by far the busiest time of the year. For us the bare root season starts in November, but peaks in February and March, so it is all go every […]
