FeelGood Health and Fitness will open in Clonakilty in January, bringing a variety of fitness classes to suit different fitness levels and abilities. The woman behind this new health and fitness business is Lorna O’Regan. Lorna tells West Cork People about her new enterprise, which will offer fun as well […]

When I’m asked for recommendations for Christmas day wines, it’s usually expected that I’ll suggest bringing out the best wine in the house. I don’t! Of course, I’ll want to drink something really lovely, but funny enough, I don’t think it’s the moment for the special bottle you’ve been saving […]

With a demanding job, taking on a doctoral degree is not for the fainthearted. In this article, I share my experiences of balancing both. I completed a master’s degree in 2012 and I am around halfway through a Doctor of Management (D. Man.) programme at Glasgow Caledonian University. I’m studying this on […]
