By Mark Holland Pronouns are getting interesting, for the previous fifty years of my life they’ve always been there but they never really caught my attention, now they have. Sure, we were taught about them in school, and it’s no one else’s fault that I didn’t pay attention, or that […]
What a year we have all had! I’m finding it a relief to have something celebratory to plan for, so Christmas couldn’t have come at a better time for me. I’m loving the Christmas lights in Bantry, planning our Christmas Day feast and I’m even looking forward to the Christmas […]
As mentioned last month, there are four steps involved in becoming pregnant. These are ovulation, fertilisation, transportation of the fertilised egg and finally, its implantation in the womb. Approximately, one in four women who seek help for infertility have ovulation disorders. This means that they are not ovulating or are […]
When I heard at the farmer’s market that there were only five more markets before Christmas, I went into a spin. How is this possible? We haven’t been anywhere or done an awful lot. The year’s just slipped by; it’s quite disorientating but the indisputable fact is that Christmas is […]
Soil, Silage and Dung – or ‘the three S’s’ as they might be colloquially referred to on farms! Diagnostics has become routine on the farm over the last few years. Of the three, soil sampling is going to become a more routine operation on a lot of farms, as it […]
“I do think it’s worth pointing out that epidemics of dancing had always been very rare – a big gap, for example, between the 1370s and 1518; so perhaps it is not all that surprising that the events in Strasbourg were not repeated soon after.” – John Waller With the […]