“Death is the last intimate thing we ever do” -L.K. Hamilton, writer One day we’ll receive news or may even sense that a beloved friend or family member is dying. Someone recently got in touch with me relating their own experience of this. They shared how their inclination was to […]
As I get older, the topic of how we sleep, how little we sleep, and how tired we are seems to be coming up more and more in casual conversation with friends. Waking shortly after going to sleep and not being able to get back to sleep again; or simply […]
Beara nurse Sheona Harrington has recently embarked on a new venture, one that ties together her interest in beauty and skincare, her clinical background and her entrepreneurial spirit. Sheona’s Aesthetics holds a monthly clinic once a month in Jessica’s Beauty Room in Castletownbere and also offers mobile appointments. After five […]
What is the difference between mindfulness and meditation? Or are they the same thing? These questions regularly come up in my classes and workshops. Listening to a radio interview recently, I heard traditional meditation being described as, ‘just another thing we have to do’ with a range of less time-consuming […]
At this time of year when gardens demand so much of our attention it is interesting to consider why we put such an effort into making even the smallest patch lovely. A garden may be defined as an area distinguished by its layout and the plants that grow there, all […]
I have cautiously started to set seeds, the glasshouse has been scrubbed and is ready for the new growing season. There’s not much in there as of yet as the rumour of the return of the ‘Beast from the East’ is holding me back. Rumour or no rumour, nature is beetling […]