by Nicholas Mitchell The Branch has a full programme of events planned for this spring and summer in West Cork.  We started spring with a visit to Kinsale Marsh on February 12, led by Prof. John Quinn from the Department of Biological Earth and Environmental Sciences at UCC. With his […]

If you are looking for some inspiration for your own garden, Noah Chase of Deelish Garden Centre in Skibbereen invites you to stop in and say hello. Spring is on her way! Early flowering bulbs are starting to fill the beds and borders; leaves are unfurling and insects are waking […]

Composer and violinist Justin Grounds set up ‘Stop Look Listen’, a weekly outdoor listening event, in September last year as part of the West Cork ‘Rekindling the Light Within’ initiative, which has enabled eight artists across the region to develop art for mental health initiatives in different ways. Justin wanted […]

Sustainable shopping is now, more than ever before, a responsibility that we all need to embrace. We need to rethink how we shop, why we need more, when we have enough and how to reduce the chances of making ridiculous purchases. Style lovers are now becoming more humanitarian, asking ‘who […]

I’m not sure why, but every year January takes an eternity to get through rather than just a month. It feels like it will never end. Maybe it’s a delayed reaction to all the excess of Christmas. Maybe it just takes a while for our hibernating brains to react to […]
