Not the most promising word – waste. ‘Unusable or unwanted material’ says the dictionary. Our world is knee-deep in waste problems; that’s for sure! This includes edibles: ‘1.3 billion tons of food is lost or wasted every year,’ according to This is all the more alarming, as to prepare […]
Covid-19 means that Christmas time will likely be a lot different this festive season but it’s important to stay positive and focus on the things we can all do to prepare our homes to make this season a really special one. As we have more time in our homes right […]
From small beginnings, where she was simply helping friends to organise their hotpresses, to becoming a professional declutterer of homes and offices nationwide, Anne-Marie Kingston has built White Sage Decluttering into an impressive business in just four years. Taking home the Business Innovation trophy at this year’s Network Ireland West […]
Here at Deelish Garden Centre, we get our first delivery of potted and pot grown living Christmas trees in early November. Last season we had a hard time keeping up to demand as many people are starting to make the switch from cut to living trees. There are many advantages […]
With the recent news of a new lockdown, the dark nights, and the prospect of a very different Christmas, we really need to focus on the brighter days ahead. I am already thinking of Spring. I have sown some annual flowers, including sweet peas, planted some garlic and sown broad […]
This month as we near the end of our yearlong exploration into what Permaculture can offer to our conversation around ‘Cool Clon’ and the future of our communities in West Cork, we are looking at the two principals, which go hand-in-hand. ‘Use and Value Diversity’ and ‘Use Edges and Value […]