Not the most promising word – waste. ‘Unusable or unwanted material’ says the dictionary. Our world is knee-deep in waste problems; that’s for sure! This includes edibles: ‘1.3 billion tons of food is lost or wasted every year,’ according to This is all the more alarming, as to prepare […]

Covid-19 means that Christmas time will likely be a lot different this festive season but it’s important to stay positive and focus on the things we can all do to prepare our homes to make this season a really special one. As we have more time in our homes right […]

From small beginnings, where she was simply helping friends to organise their hotpresses, to becoming a professional declutterer of homes and offices nationwide, Anne-Marie Kingston has built White Sage Decluttering into an impressive business in just four years. Taking home the Business Innovation trophy at this year’s Network Ireland West […]

Here at Deelish Garden Centre, we get our first delivery of potted and pot grown living Christmas trees in early November. Last season we had a hard time keeping up to demand as many people are starting to make the switch from cut to living trees. There are many advantages […]

With the recent news of a new lockdown, the dark nights, and the prospect of a very different Christmas, we really need to focus on the brighter days ahead. I am already thinking of Spring. I have sown some annual flowers, including sweet peas, planted some garlic and sown broad […]
