This pandemic has changed perspectives for people from all walks of life. For award-winning portrait artist Áine Divine it’s been a catalyst for doing whatever makes her heart sing. No longer tied to the studio from 9-5, she has been working more and more in mixed media, painting what’s to […]

West Cork musicians raise their voices, with the clear message that the region’s resilient music community is still here and looking forward to the time when they can share their music with you once more.  With so many missing the chance to share songs and stories, West Cork Music has […]

Interview by Tommy Moyles The Overall Winner of the Grassland Farmer of the Year 2020 is Caroline Walsh, Ballinascarthy, Co. Cork. The competition run by Teagasc, The Irish Farmers Journal, Grassland Agro, AIB and FBD Insurance is now in its fourth year and rewards the top grassland farmers in the […]
