A West Cork Farming Life: Victor Sprake and Deborah Ní Chaoimhe, Camus Farm, Ardield, Clonakilty Tell us about Camus farm…what does it consist of? We moved down from Kildare and bought the 30-acre farm here about 15 years ago and began converting it into an organic farm. We’re certified with […]

The Great Fire of London is the worst in London’s history. First igniting in a baker’s shop on Pudding Lane belonging to Thomas Farriner, the fire swept through the city from September 2 until September 5 in 1666. While only six deaths were recorded, it destroyed a huge area, including […]

As the 2021 college year begins at University College Cork, a new wave of students may not realise that their campus is a place where executed men, fighting for Irish freedom, were buried 100 years ago. Pauline Murphyreminds us of their names and the part they played in history.  In […]
