Neuromuscular Physical Therapist Lloyd O’Mahoney is one of a number of professional practitioners working out of Dr. Fiona O’Reilly’s Integrated Clinic at Emmet Square in Clonakilty. Lloyd’s business Kinetic Movement Physical Therapy is all about helping clients get out of pain and move better. As well as neuromuscular, Lloyd has […]

I find it inspiring to see a growing new generation of doctors and medics emerging in various corners of the world who are pushing the frontiers of modern medicine and advocating the power and virtue of what’s being dubbed ‘Lifestyle Medicine’. In essence, these are the brave MD’s willing to set […]

Are you exhausted and feel like you’re running on empty? Then you may be suffering from adrenal fatigue.  Adrenal fatigue is not a disease diagnosis but rather a fact that your adrenals are exhausted and finding it difficult to function at an optimal level and struggling to perform all the […]

by Mark Holland What is BROD about, like ‘what do we do?’ is a question we keep asking ourselves. We know what we are for but what are we actually doing? It’s possibly a question that a lot of Local Community Groups (LCGs) have been asking themselves lately, for different […]
