The saying ‘a wet and windy May fills the barns with straw and hay’ has indeed lived up to it’s billing. Weather has held up well through September and grain was harvested in good conditions. This, on top of a solid grass-growing spell in August and September, should stand farmers […]
A West Cork Farming Life: Victor Sprake and Deborah Ní Chaoimhe, Camus Farm, Ardield, Clonakilty Tell us about Camus farm…what does it consist of? We moved down from Kildare and bought the 30-acre farm here about 15 years ago and began converting it into an organic farm. We’re certified with […]
The Great Fire of London is the worst in London’s history. First igniting in a baker’s shop on Pudding Lane belonging to Thomas Farriner, the fire swept through the city from September 2 until September 5 in 1666. While only six deaths were recorded, it destroyed a huge area, including […]
One of the pleasures of teaching English in secondary schools is the great choice of texts. The Leaving Cert choice is particularly eclectic and varies every two-year cycle. Those beginning their senior cycle this year could find themselves studying novels that explore the modern world we live in, like how […]
As the 2021 college year begins at University College Cork, a new wave of students may not realise that their campus is a place where executed men, fighting for Irish freedom, were buried 100 years ago. Pauline Murphyreminds us of their names and the part they played in history. In […]
The ancient festival of ‘Samhain’ – the first day of Winter for the ancient Celts – was traditionally kept on November 1, now the Feast of All Saints, and the vigil of this day, ‘Oíche Shamhna’ (Hallowe’en), is still celebrated on the last night in October. Hallowe’en was originally a […]