With this series of articles I am lucky enough to be meeting and interviewing people who are not only committed to growing good quality nourishing food, but also selling it to us directly in our local markets. Seasonal produce with no food miles, grown in a sustainable way, not wrapped […]

It is “code red for humanity…The world is running out of time,” declared UN secretary-general Antonio Guterres at the start of COP26.  But even as we all know this, still we wait!  Forty-four years ago ExxonMobil senior scientist James Black told the fossil fuel executives that, “ Man has a […]

by Nicholas Mitchell I am writing this during the third week of November. Ordinarily, bird feeders would have been placed around the garden three weeks ago, but it has been such a mild autumn that this has not been necessary. The birds have been less in need of supplementary food during […]

In 1954, USA, the civil rights movement won a landmark case which ruled that the segregation (the deliberate and legal separation of the white and black races), of schools was unconstitutional. This landmark case, known as ‘Brown v Board’, would mean the dismantling of all segregated institutions from Mississippi to […]
