Another Christmas has slipped gently by and here we are in 2022. As always I enjoyed Christmas. I love that business takes a break and there’s time to enjoy family and friends, even if it means meeting outside to avoid the dreaded virus. We shared lots of family dinners, taking […]
Another January and another opportunity for resolutions. Recently I listened to a podcast interview with Patrick Holden of The Sustainable Food Trust talking to Andy Cato, an inspiring regenerative farmer. The subject was climate change and how our food choices could help in redressing the situation. It was suggested that […]
‘New Year’s Eve 2021 – provisionally the warmest on record’ claimed the UK Guardian newspaper. Whilst MET Éireann didn’t agree; or at least not for Ireland, nevertheless it reported that, during 2021 at least ten weather stations across Ireland reached heatwave conditions where temperatures of at least 25 degrees Celsius […]
by Nicholas Mitchell ‘The rook and jackdaw are too well known to need any introduction in themselves, as one need not go far from the centre of the city before seeing one or both species. On the principle that familiarity breeds contempt, it is perhaps their very abundance which accounts […]
Farm life is relatively straightforward at the moment. The cows are getting a combination of hay, silage or straw over a week. It sounds more complicated than it actually is. They get a bale of silage in front of them, which usually lasts a pen four to five days and […]
Two students from St Brogan’s College, Bandon, tell Tommy Moyles that Irish farmers don’t know enough about producing low emissions beef but they are open to learning. Sarah Teape and Alison Darcy have carried out extensive research into the attitudes of farmers towards climate action and their knowledge of low-emission […]