Sherkin Island Development Society (SIDS) has launched a fundraising initiative to purchase Sherkin Island’s national school buildings and gardens for island community use. Under the ‘Neart Initiative’, SIDS wants to keep the school in community ownership and is asking for public donations to cover the initial purchase of the school […]
Packaging waste inevitably goes up a lot at this time of year, with January a peak month at Clonakilty and other recycling centres across West Cork. With consumerism driving climate change, recycling has an important role to play in relieving the pressure on our landfills, reducing emissions and increasing our […]
How little we know. I had no idea that we’d still be in pandemic mode when I sat down to write my 2021 Christmas column. I was slowly starting to try and feel my way back to some semblance of pre-Covid normality, and it was working. Despite my reticence, going […]
My Christmas article, of course, has to be about setting the scene for Christmas celebrations. Each December I bring my decorations down from the attic in plenty of time to get the décor just right. I love Christmas and kick it off by ensuring I have the house decked out […]
As I start this new column the future seems to be more fragile than ever. In a world that is still struggling with the Covid pandemic, the thought of trying to do something about the ever present Climate Crisis can feel pointless and even overwhelming, but never has the adage […]
A new art exhibition, featuring 30 paintings and drawings by Bantry based artist Catherine Weld, is opening at Cork County Council’s Library HQ Gallery. The solo collection, called ‘Fragile Island’, will run for four weeks from October 29 to November 26. The artist will also host a free workshop in the […]