Over the last couple of weeks West Cork has been battered by storms. For anyone who grows and depends on polytunnels to make a living, every gale is a cause of  anxiety, but three in a week, well that’s exhausting. Growers need to be resilient and resourceful people and I […]

Walking with friends recently the subject Global Warming came up in conversation and one person commented that though he realised that countries like the Maldives were seriously threatened by sea level rise, he didn’t think that Global Warming affected us in Ireland at all.  In reality the EPA reports that […]

It’s no secret that coming home from a weekly shop can give you a headache just from the sheer amount of plastic packaging that might accumulate. We are told time and time again to ‘reduce, reuse, and recycle’ but the hard reality of wanting to do good for the planet […]

When news of the new Retrofitting scheme was announced by the government recently, I was probably one of the few Greens in the country who gave a sigh of mild irritation! Not, I hasten to add, because I have any issue with the scheme, quite the contrary in fact. I […]
