Whether you embrace it or want to run from it, menopause is waiting around a corner, most often hitting women between the age of 40 and 44 years. For many women the menopausal weight gain can seem overnight: Fat gets more easily attached to the body, especially around the midsection, […]

For remote or flexible workers, Mix Coworking at 8, Wolfe Tone Street in Clonakilty offers a fabulous workspace to connect with technology and people. The high ceilings, exposed beams, lots of plants and muted colours combine to offer a calm backdrop to this thoughtfully-designed space, which boasts 16 desks, comfortable […]

By Mark Holland June is Pride month and this year it’s all happening at the Community and Family Resource Centre in Skibbereen. We often gets asked at workshops why would someone be proud of being LGBTI+; what are you being proud about? We usually frame the answer within the context […]
