A crowd gathered on Keelbeg Pier last weekend for a special ceremony and service of dedication to name Union Hall RNLI’s Atlantic 85 lifeboat, ‘Christine and Raymond Fielding.’ The funding for the lifeboat came from the late Dr. Raymond Fielding, a keen mariner and proud Corkman. While Raymond and his wife […]
Cllr Danny Collins, an Independent Councillor for the West Cork Electoral area, has been elected the Mayor of the County of Cork. Cllr Collins was nominated by Cllr Declan Hurley, and seconded by Cllr Seamus McGrath. Mayor Collins topped the poll in the Bantry Electoral Area in the 2019 elections, […]
by Holly Cairn TD At the end of June there were just twelve properties advertised for rent in Cork South West on daft.ie. There are fewer than 80 homes to buy for under €250,000 between all of the major towns. We know this is a beautiful part of the world […]
So here we are: mid-summer. My favourite time of the year. I know some will say that the autumn is the most beautiful, that winter is most cosy, and spring most uplifting, but I’ll take full-blown summer over the other three. Summer is the best. The landscape is lush and […]
An old cow shed in Allihies has found a new lease of life under the creative direction of Belgian artist Nadette Charlet. Opening officially on July 1 with the launch of its first art exhibition ‘Tommy’s House; the ‘8 Cows Gallery’ has been warmly welcomed by the local community as […]
The outgoing Mayor of the County of Cork Cllr Gillian Coughlan and Chief Executive of Cork County Council Tim Lucey have signed the contract for Phase one of the Bandon Traffic and Public Realm Enhancement Plan with West Cork contractor Pat O’Driscoll Plant Hire and Civil Engineering Ltd., signalling the […]