When it comes to menopause; hot flashes, night sweats and brain fog are all very familiar symptoms, but dry skin during menopause, perhaps not. In fact, the onset of drier skin can actually start early in perimenopause, but why is skin feeling drier during this time? The answer is simple, […]

Artist Jackie Nevin and Dunmanway library are enjoying an extraordinary response to their collaborative art project ‘Bringing Outside In’. The library window, a focal point in the town, is home to a series of wonderful sculptures that celebrate the natural world. Dunmanway library has collated and presents books and activities […]

Appropriation is a long-established strategy in modern, post-modern  and contemporary painting. The desire to ‘revamp’, ‘re-mix’ or ‘re-orchestrate’ a masterpiece of old is as complex as it is interesting. Picasso’s appropriations of ElGreco were both a way of identifying with the Baroque master and his greatness, and colonising that greatness. […]
