With movements constrained by Covid-19, many in West Cork have found unexpected pleasure in the freedom of the ocean. With this call of the wild, all around West Cork, young and old, have been seen donning thermal accessories and taking the plunge. Aside from offering a release from the restrictions […]

Just in time for Christmas, ‘Pretty Interesting History’ has launched the latest in a series of whimsical visual anthologies of Irish women’s social history – ‘The Curious Lady’s Guide to Marriage’. The writer, designer and illustrator behind these humourous historical guides is Jenny Dempsey, a self-proclaimed history obsessive and talented […]

As we are entering winter and holiday season, my December column is about the best indoor/at home training equipment. Maintaining strength, fitness, and not least mental endurance for coming cold dark months, is of the highest importance. First, a small personal plea: If you need training equipment, or Christmas presents […]

A few weeks back I was very impressed when I drove the new Peugeot 208, which was named European Car of the Year back in March. Sadly this lingering Covid-19 means that the Irish Motor Writers’ cannot hold their annual awards dinner this year; if they did I’m sure the 208 […]

Following on from my last article, which covered preparing your home for Christmas, I was going to write about new trends for 2021 in this article  but I’ve decided to leave that until after Christmas. Instead let’s focus on the here and now and try to brighten up our homes […]

By Mike Collard of Future Forests Hedges have been planted and tended for a long time in Ireland. It is likely that man was deliberately planting trees as long ago as the Bronze Age. The origins of the first ‘plant nursery’ are lost in the depths of time. Was it […]
