With the recent news of a new lockdown, the dark nights, and the prospect of a very different Christmas, we really need to focus on the brighter days ahead. I am already thinking of Spring. I have sown some annual flowers, including sweet peas, planted some garlic and sown broad […]

If nature could talk what would she tell us? Especially now of all times to be here on this planet while our lives are turned around and certainly altered for the better and worse. I wonder if nature would give us some sage advice for the coming long cold winter […]

Late October events will set the tone for the first two weeks of November. The early days of November may be a time of integrating a new version of our life. We see a strong theme of change and an intensification as several patterns finally complete, or begin, a phase. […]

By Eoin Roe, Chiropractic As we all head into a new lockdown and an uncertain future, it is understandable that many people will be feeling anxious. Anxiety can cause some very serious symptoms such as chest pain and shortness of breath, which can often be confused with cardiovascular symptoms and […]

One of the most distressing realisations in a person’s life, and one which causes a lot of heartache, is the awareness that conceiving a child is not straightforward and may, even, appear to be well-nigh impossible. Unfortunately, infertility rates have increased over the years with at least 10 per cent […]

In this series of articles (‘Do we understand our child?’) Diana Radeva, child and adolescent psychotherapist sets out to consider the emotional life of children from birth onwards; and how relationships between children and parents evolve over time. It is a view of human growth, which recognises the importance of […]
