If nature could talk what would she tell us? Especially now of all times to be here on this planet while our lives are turned around and certainly altered for the better and worse. I wonder if nature would give us some sage advice for the coming long cold winter […]

One of the most distressing realisations in a person’s life, and one which causes a lot of heartache, is the awareness that conceiving a child is not straightforward and may, even, appear to be well-nigh impossible. Unfortunately, infertility rates have increased over the years with at least 10 per cent […]

Do you feel burnt out? Feel like giving in or giving up? Did your training go out the window, as the restrictions and the darker days came back? Then this month’s column is for you – and me, and everybody else who could use an extra tool to make more […]

by Amanda Roe We all know that what we eat is linked with chronic health conditions like obesity, diabetes, blood pressure, heart disease, digestive disorders, irritable bowel syndrome and hormonal health. But do you know that changing what you eat will improve your mood and your mental health? In fact […]

Last week we had an amazing live webinar with Patrick Holford – it was a fascinating evening, and it was great to hear Patrick’s insights on immunity and health and Covid. Being able to ask him questions is always fascinating, he has an interesting scientific and evidence based approach to […]
