Studies are reporting that 25 to 45 per cent of women experience some degree of urinary incontinence (UI), however it is actually believed to affect more women than this, due to under reporting. Many women are embarrassed to talk about the loss of their bladder control, they may fear the […]

“The greatest gift is a portion of thyself” Ralph Waldo Emerson At this time of year when hearing the word resolution can feel overwhelming, I hope you’ll forgive me for bringing up legacy, another word with mighty connotations it seems. Often bringing to mind visions of lofty accomplishments, philanthropic gifts, […]

The sciatic nerve runs from the lower back through the hips, buttocks, and down the leg to the foot. Sciatica a condition where the sciatic nerve becomes irritated, compressed, or inflamed. It is characterised by pain that radiates along part or the length of the sciatic nerve. One might assume […]
