Most people have heard of PTSD (post traumatic stress disorder) and associate it with the effects of a traffic accident or war-related experience. What many do not realise is that in Ireland postpartum or perinatal PTSD (PPTSD) is a birth trauma affecting three per cent of all new mothers and […]

Dr Steve Collins of Aronia Ireland chats to West Cork People about the positive impact of aronia berries on metabolic health due to this superfood’s high levels of polyphenols, which have been proven to prevent disease. A medical doctor and scientist, Steve’s life work has been dedicated to treating and […]

The word is out that Lorna O’Regan’s fun and enthusiastic approach to helping people get on the road to a healthier lifestyle is getting results. The dynamo behind FeelGood Health and Fitness is sharing her passion for health and fitness by delivering sociable food demonstrations and fitness classes and retreats […]

The opportunity to give more attention to my inner landscape during the period between Christmas and until days after the new year, had me living moment by moment. This time also led to my thinking about the preciousness of such things. Perhaps you’ve had a good dose of it too, […]

In the December issue I wrote on female urinary issues. The second part of this article deals with the causes of and treatments for the various issues that can result in female urinary symptoms.  GSM: GenitourinarySyndrome of Menopause  Common things are common…fluctuating as well as low oestrogen levels is a […]
