The year was 1970, the place Washington DC. A Yale Professor, Arthur Galston, addressed the Conference on War and National Responsibility. He was devastated that his 1943 PhD work that focused on finding a chemical means to make soybeans flower and fruit earlier, had been used by biological warfare scientists at Fort […]
In 2009 the Sheep’s Head was awarded the title of European Destination of Excellence –Tourism and Protected Areas. This competition was designed for destinations that have developed the tourism potential of their protected areas in a sustainable manner. So why is the Sheep’s Head so desirable as a destination? There […]
As I write, on Thursday September 24, we are celebrating World Maritime Day. It’s an important marker for me, particularly as Green Party Spokesperson for the Marine. The theme this year is: Sustainable Shipping for a Sustainable Planet. A laudible idea, but for some perhaps, a little abstract. The theme […]
PERMANENT CULTURE As we continue to explore how the Permaculture design system can contribute to the ‘Cool Clon’ conversation, it seems fitting to me that this month we’re delving into principal number nine ‘Use Small and Slow Solutions’. In 2011, Clonakilty won a prestigious international award and was named a […]
This month’s theme has been coming up everywhere I go. Permaculture’s seventh principal asks designers to steer away from monocultures – be it plants or demographics. In a garden or forest we know that by planting mixed species to create biodiversity we can naturally avoid many problems with pest and […]
Fiona Hayes delves deeper into the government’s policy to ‘promote’ mineral exploration and finds that currently 28 per cent of the land in Ireland is under licence for mineral prospecting. In fact most of the land here in West Cork is either ‘open for licence’, ‘open with exploration incentives’ or […]