‘The Old Masters’ are, well, ‘old’. There’s no denying it. I remember at art school painting a still life, trying to emulate the Spanish ‘old master’ Francisco de Zurbarán. One of the teachers commented: “looking very old James”. It was not a compliment. I was in the wrong place (a university […]

Almost everyone is familiar with the Renaissance, and most of us will have heard of Impressionism. Beyond that, however, the lay-person’s knowledge of art history gets a bit sketchy (no pun intended!). A mention of ‘Baroque painting’, for example, might prompt an unintended yawn (not that complicated art history stuff!).  […]

With Rembrandt in Print showing at the Crawford Art Gallery in Cork and a plethora of printmaking exhibitions around the country, the art of printmaking in Ireland is enjoying a well-deserved spotlight. ‘Diamond Point’, celebrating 60 years of Graphic Studio Dublin showed through September in the Blue House Gallery, Schull, […]
