A good deal of the countryside of ancient Ireland was once covered with trees and scrub with hazel one of the most important providers of food. The nutritious nut (cnó) of this tree can be kept for up to a year and must therefore have been a valuable winter food. It […]
“The challenges of learning more about her story and her impact as a cultural icon have given her even more significance….”Megan Phelps Anyone who has ever taken a CPR course will be familiar with the plastic mannequin used to teach the life-saving technique. CPR has become a mandatory element of […]
If the pandemic has highlighted one thing, it is that Ireland is a dog-loving nation. Ireland is world-renowned for its famous breeds like the Irish Red and White Setter, or the Kerry Blue and of course, the Irish Wolfhound. Mahatma Gandhi, a giant of humanity, non-violence, and a lawyer of […]
Though I have lived for nearly twenty-nine years in West Cork, I have mostly managed to retain my mid-Atlantic accent. I have however, invariably picked up on local sayings, and turns of phrase. I have often been accosted by a waiter in London, or New York and asked: “Are you […]
“The best time to plant a tree was 20 years ago. The second best time is now.” Chinese proverb What does the term ‘Bare root’ mean? Put simply, it means plants that have been grown in open ground, then dug up for despatch and planting during the dormant season. They are called ‘bare-root’ […]
We’ve entered the New Year with a lot of uncertainty but luckily the chickens are tuned in to the universe and their inner egg radars have turned back on. It is amazing how quickly that incremental increase of daylight brings on the eggs. Which really and truly proves once again […]