The oft told story and laudable accomplishments of Ballydehob’s resident professional wrestler Dan ‘Danno’ O’Mahony were actually pre-dated by the equally impressive and decidedly more authentic achievements of an enthusiastic amateur from Gloun. Twenty-seven years before the Irish Whip’s AWA and NWA World Heavyweight title wins, Con O’Kelly was the […]

I’m waking up earlier and earlier these days, which is just as well, as there is so much to do in the garden in spring. Most mornings it is a joy to be up and outside with the only distraction being birdsong. No traffic noise or phones ringing, just mooching […]

How are you? How are you and your loved ones holding up? The past year have been tough on all of us in different ways and, as an active person, who enjoys training and running, the past year has tested my resolve to stay active many times. With gyms closed, […]

This morning I noticed the above plant growing on the wall of an old stone building. It is a familiar plant and its botanical name is ‘Umbilicus ruperstris’. It is more commonly known as wall pennywort or ‘Cornán chaisil’, ‘Cornán Leacáin’, and ‘Lus na Pingne’ in Irish. This is a […]
