Lentils are the fast food of legumes, they don’t need any soaking and can cook within 20 minutes, which make them a great contender for embracing Veganuary or just resetting the body after all the feasting. Whichever way you look at it, these little protein bombs make instant non challenging […]

The time we have been waiting for all summer has arrived. The tomatoes have ripened and we are enjoying them with nearly everything. Breakfast, lunch and dinner. We grew 15 varieties of tomatoes this year, all selected for their flavour rather than prolific production or uniform size. The names are […]

August really is the month in Ireland for home grown Mediterranean vegetables. Tomatoes, aubergines, peppers and courgettes are all sun-loving fruits that are eaten as vegetables. The ‘sun loving’ being the reason they take all summer to ripen. Our courgettes have been taking their time. We’re still hovering around the […]
