How time flies! We have already entered the second half of summer, having passed the longest day, which seems to have come round faster than ever this year. It may be the second half of summer but I’m still prowling around the courgettes plants waiting for them to spring into […]
A Flavour of West Cork
May was certainly a blow out; the weather meant we didn’t know whether we were coming or going. I was sat here one evening with the sun on one side of the house and rain on the other and my husband said it was just like living in the tropics. […]
Our glasshouse is bursting at the seams. There are crowds of seedlings waiting to move to a more spacious location to continue growing. We have just re-covered the tunnel that was destroyed in one of the winter storms so the tomatoes can relocate and the other tunnel is full of […]
Tyaludas (tai-uoo-das), a simple Mexican street food, are sometimes referred to as Mexican pizzas when they are served open faced, but they are more often folded in half and eaten on the go. This dish, which hails from Oaxaca in the south of Mexico is a delightful construction made of […]
In between storms and torrential rain the green things are struggling to come back, valiantly pushing ahead anytime there’s a ray of sunshine. Spinach, chard, rocket, nettles and wild garlic are all growing again. Most of our spinach and chard have weathered the winter outside. At one point, when it […]
It’s a sure sign of going stir crazy when you get super excited about potato cakes. This past month has left me feeling almost rudderless; apart from our Monday shop painting stints there’s very little structure to our days except for mealtimes It’s a tricky time of the year when […]