As we move towards clean green energy, Solar Photovoltaic (PV) is unquestionably part of the solution. Converting energy from the sun and turning it into electricity, a PV system will not only improve your energy rating but can offer huge potential savings in your electricity and heating bills. Paddy Rose, […]

That Buckley’s Tiles in Skibbereen is heading towards 30 years in business, having started out in a modest garage in the early 1990s, is testament to a hardworking family that puts customers and quality first. Lauren Buckley, who has a degree in business under her belt, has now joined her […]

One of the simplest, most cost-effective solutions to saving energy in the home to the best achievable standard is one that’s often ignored or forgotten about: According to SEAI, approximately 20-30 per cent of the heat within the home can be lost through the roof so insulating your attic properly […]

For the environment lover, a tiny house on wheels is an ideal way to fully experience nature. This small nomadic home can be easily moved to different landscapes in changing seasons – summer by the coast, winter by the woods maybe? Timoleague based company, Sunflower Tiny Homes, is also catering […]

The Better Energy Homes scheme gives grants to homeowners to improve energy efficiency in their homes. Landlords and owners of more than one property can also apply for a grant under the scheme. If you have previously availed of a grant under the scheme, you can reapply to get additional […]
