Any parent with children who are in or have gone through their teenage years will know exactly what I mean when I talk about teenage tantrums. Your adorable son or daughter suddenly becomes moody, flounces around, challenges you or argues over the smallest situation, making you question your sanity! Well, […]

This month provides the seventh synopsis for my wife’s ancestral lines in County Cork and what has been learned from atDNA matching. If you have taken a DNA test and related to any of these family, do get in touch and consider adding your DNA information to the project. With […]

The Targeted Agricultural Modernisation Scheme (TAMS) is back for 2023, with €440 million in funding available for farmers looking to modernise and upgrade their farms.  The new TAMS builds on previous versions of the scheme. Importantly, it will also include a higher grant rate of 60 per cent for investments […]

Susan O’Flaherty founded RetroKit with her husband Xavier and his business partner Shay a week before Covid and lockdown. Three years on, the business is going from strength to strength. RetroKit is a software platform that helps housing professionals make evidence-based investment decisions for their energy upgrade projects.  Xavier and […]
