Reading the Programme for Government that our new Administration agreed you may be enthused, or may be disappointed by the environmental aspects to be found therein. There exists a perceived lack of trust between the people and governments, where environmental matters are concerned, despite the rights we have concerning decisions […]
From the first public meeting in November 2019, Green Skibbereen have established themselves as a force for change in reducing carbon emissions in West Cork. In partnership with NCE Energy Hub, Cork, they have announced this week two new projects that will reduce CO2 emissions. The Wild Atlantic Pool in […]
This month we look at our sixth Permaculture design principal ‘Produce No Waste’ and how it might offer some new ideas into the Cool Clon, and perhaps some reflections on how we might have lived this principal naturally during Covid-19 restrictions. Apart from composting food scraps and minimising packaging (think Twig!) […]
As we catch our breaths after the politically eventful past few days, weeks and months; my colleagues in the Dáil settle into their new roles as part of a coalition Government. Of course, in these busy and challenging times, there is little space for contemplation, but I think it’s important […]
Perhaps one of the most positive things to come out of lockdown has been the recognition that the NeighbourFood initiative has received. At a time when farmer’s markets were closed down and the livelihood of small local food producers under threat, NeighbourFood provided a platform that supported these producers thus […]
Mella’s Fudge is celebrating 15 years in business this year, and is delighted to be back where she started the business, at the country markets for the summer season. Mella will be attending Bantry market on Fridays and Schull market on Sundays for the months of July and August. After […]