As we tumble towards a second wave of Covid-19 and everyone in the country looks to blame the government, I am always struck by one thing: The failure to look at ourselves as a jigsaw piece in the blame game. Only last month I wrote about our role in choosing […]
Visitors to Skibbereen are sometimes surprised to come across a building, incongruously tucked away on Mardyke Street, with a neo-classical façade adorned with a ‘square and compasses’ motif. Locals have ever known it simply as the Masonic Hall. But what is freemasonry and what secrets lie within? The present master […]
“They were put on a rich diet and began to recover and put weight on but then they died suddenly.” –Laurie Pettit Refeeding syndrome for many centuries was an unknown entity and remained somewhat of a myth until the liberation of the Nazi concentration camps in 1945; it is also […]
I knew very little about West Cork, or my links to it, until I was an adult. My dad had mentioned our family coming from there but didn’t say much more than that. Instead, my personal relationship with West Cork started by accident, in the summer of 1988 on holiday […]
The Network Ireland West Cork Businesswoman of the Year Awards 2020 ceremony took place in a very different style this year with a virtual meeting. Network Ireland is Ireland’s longest established and leading female focussed business network. It is the go-to national women in business organisation to promote, support and lead women in business at all […]
For so many of us homeschooling during lockdown was an exhausting trial; in fact the collective sigh of relief when the schools reopened recently could be heard all over the country. Although of course there were fun and satisfying aspects to it as well ¬– most of these were reserved […]