Green Skibbereen, a not for profit company that promotes and delivers climate action and sustainability, is about to get started on its objective to make Myross Wood in West Cork a living, community resource for biodiversity, education, recreation and the arts. This week the project received a huge boost in […]
Birds are on the move and one to watch out for this month is the Black-tailed Godwit says Nicholas Mitchell Birdwatch IrelandWest Cork. You may have noticed a lot more juvenile birds in your garden and hedgerows this last month as the fledged birds disperse from their nest sites. Their […]
I live on the banks of the River Ilen and regularly watch Skibbereen Rowing Club training on the river, so I read with absolute delight how six of Ireland’s 2021 Olympic Rowers are from Skibbereen Rowing Club. When Paul and Gary O’Donovan won Olympic silver medals in 2016, Skibbereen was […]
A community-based mental health recovery and personal development training programme run in Clonakilty, The Focus Programme is now open for applications. Developed by NLN, in conjunction with the HSE, The Focus Programme follows a recovery model approach to overall wellbeing. The Programme won the 2020 Aontas Award for the best […]
This year’s Carbery milk quality award winner’s farm walk was a virtual event. A joint Carbery group and Teagasc event, it was held in the middle of July on the farm of Tadhg Hurley, Barleyfield, Kilbritain. Congratulations Tadhg on winning the 2020 Carbery milk quality award. Tell us about your […]
Holidaymakers won’t like to hear it but the drop of rain that came at the end of July was welcome here and has resulted in a serious burst of grass growth, as the moisture meets the warm dry ground. Within the space of a few hours, the sward colour went […]