‘The Old Masters’ are, well, ‘old’. There’s no denying it. I remember at art school painting a still life, trying to emulate the Spanish ‘old master’ Francisco de Zurbarán. One of the teachers commented: “looking very old James”. It was not a compliment. I was in the wrong place (a university […]

December has a New Moon Solar Eclipse at 13 degrees Sagittarius on December 4 at 7.43 am and a Full Moon at 28° Gemini on December 19 at 4.35am. December comes with many endings and new beginnings. These are not only to do with the annual seasonal themes but several […]

If you read about David and Jette – the two exceptional runners who were featured in my column the past two months – and they inspired you to start something new, complete a goal or make plans for a new one, I’d love to hear about it.  To inspire and […]

A few years back Ciaran Allen, Sales Manager in Mercedes said that buyers of new cars spend approximately 11 hours researching information on a car before buying.  Then they spend only 30 minutes in garage forecourts. Buyers know what type of car they want before they go into a dealership; […]
